Kysela, Jan
Department of Politology and Sociology, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague; Senate Chancellery of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Vol.9,No.4(2001) (News from Legal Practice)
A public hearing on the future shape of the EU
Vol.11,No.2(2003) (News from Legal Practice)
Selected constitutional rules and their realization in the proposed amendment to the law of the Senate's procedure rules
Vol.11,No.1(2003) (Articles)
The creation of constitutional courts from the comparative perspective
Vol.11,No.1(2003) (Reviews and Annotations)
Ladislav Cabada, Michal Kubát a kol.: Úvod do studia politické vědy
Vol.25,No.3(2017) (Articles)
Considerations on Condition of Constitutional Law and Theory of State
Vol.10,No.3(2002) (Reviews and Annotations)
Meg Russell: Reforming the House of Lords. Lessons from Overseas
Vol.10,No.3(2002) (Reviews and Annotations)
Blanka Říchová: Úvod do současné politologie. Srovnávací analýza demokratických politických systémů
Vol.10,No.1(2002) (Polemic)
Referendum in the spotlight again
Vol.10,No.1(2002) (Reviews and Annotations)
Jiří Přibáň: Disidenti práva
Vol.10,No.1(2002) (Reviews and Annotations)
Reinhold Zippelius: Juristische Methodenlehre
Vol.11,No.2(2003) (Articles)
On one of the "safety aspects" of the constitutional order of the Czech Republic: the interpretation and application of Article 43 of the Constitution
Vol.9,No.4(2001) (Legal History)
The Senate of the National Assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic
Vol.9,No.4(2001) (Reviews and Annotations)
Robert A. Dahl: O demokracii: průvodce pro občany
Vol.9,No.3(2001) (Reviews and Annotations)
Arend Lijphart: Patterns of Democracy, Government Forms and Performance in Thirty-Six Countries
Vol.9,No.3(2001) (Reviews and Annotations)
Giovanni Sartori: Srovnávací ústavní inženýrství: Zkoumání struktur, podnětů a výsledků
Vol.9,No.2(2001) (Reviews and Annotations)
Michal Klíma: Kvalita demokracie v České republice a volební inženýrství
Vol.9,No.1(2001) (Reviews and Annotations)
Jiří Přibáň: Právo a politika konverzace
Vol.8,No.4(2000) (Articles)
Latest proposals for constitutional regulation of referendum: referendum concerning association with the European Union and general referendum
Vol.8,No.2(2000) (Articles)
Reshaping the Constitution as seen from the perspective of the Senate
Vol.13,No.4(2005) (Articles)
Legal and political science related aspects of legislative delegation
Vol.21,No.2(2013) (Articles)
Knocking on Purgatory´s Door. On repeating efforts to change the Rules of Order of the Chamber of Deputies
Vol.19,No.4(2011) (Expert Opinions)
Vyjádření k části 2.1 „Působení práva EU ve sféře ústavního práva České republiky“ - konceptu závěrečné zprávy výzkumného záměru Právnické fakulty MU 2005–2011
Vol.18,No.3(2010) (Articles)
The Process of National Negotiation of International Treaties in the Country. 2nd Part. Problems Existing Regulation and Practices
Vol.18,No.3(2010) (Reviews and Annotations)
Vojtěch Belling: Legitimita moci v postmoderní době. Proč potřebuje Evropská unie členské státy?
Vol.18,No.2(2010) (Articles)
The Process of National Negotiation of International Treaties in the Country. 1st Part. Hitorical and Comparative Context
Vol.18,No.1(2010) (Articles)
Implementation of the Lisbon Treaty in the Rules Negotiations Pariament of the CR
Vol.25,No.1(2017) (Reviews and Annotations)
QVORTRUP, Matt (ed.). The British Constitution: Continuity and Change. A Festschrift for Vernon Bogdanor
Vol.14,No.2(2006) (Articles)
Delegating legislative authority from a comparative perspective
Vol.22,No.3(2014) (Reviews and Annotations)
Marek Káčer: Prečo zotrvať pri rozhodnutom. Teória záväznosti precedentu
Vol.13,No.2(2005) (Articles)
Substitutions for the legislative competences of the parliaments of Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Vol.13,No.1(2005) (Reviews and Annotations)
Radoslav Procházka: Mission Accomplished. On Founding Constitutional Adjudication in Central Europe
Vol.13,No.1(2005) (Reviews and Annotations)
Stanislav Balík, Michal Kubát: Teorie a praxe totalitních a autoritativních režimů
Vol.12,No.3(2004) (Reviews and Annotations)
Jana Reschová: Evropský konstitucionalismus: zdroje, formy a tendence
Vol.12,No.2(2004) (Articles)
Legal and institutional framework of the Parliament's operation in the conditions of an EU member state
Vol.12,No.1(2004) (Reviews and Annotations)
Vít Hloušek a Lubomír Kopeček (eds.): Demokracie. Teorie, modely, osobnosti, podmínky, nepřátelé a perspektivy demokracie
Vol.11,No.3(2003) (Articles)
The dynamics of interpretation and application of Article 46 of the Constitution
Vol.11,No.3(2003) (Reviews and Annotations)
Zdeněk Kühn: Aplikace práva ve složitých případech. K roli právních principů v judikatuře
Vol.10,No.3(2002) (Articles)
Is the Constitution always what the Constitutional Court says that it is?