Škop, Martin
Department of Legal Theory, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republichttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-2727-8059
Vol.30,No.4(2022) (Articles)
Salus populi as a Corrective to Decision-making in Pandemic Situations: Trap or Target?
Vol.19,No.3(2011) (Reviews and Annotations)
Ronovská, K.: Tendence vývoje českého nadačního práva v rámci sjednocené Evropy
Vol.19,No.1(2011) (Articles)
Law and Music
Vol.18,No.3(2010) (Articles)
The Contribution of the Value of Non-profit Sector for the Interpretation of the Law
Vol.18,No.3(2010) (Articles)
Unfluenc of Social Movements on Application and Interpretation of Law - Little bit Different Actualism
Vol.18,No.3(2010) (Reviews and Annotations)
Sobek, T.: Nemorální právo
Vol.18,No.3(2010) (Reviews and Annotations)
Wojciechowski, B.: Interkulturowe prawo karne
Vol.13,No.2(2005) (Articles)
Gathering from the perspectives of some of the theories of the sociology of law
Vol.27,No.1(2019) (Articles)
Being a Legislator: Administrative Phase of Legislation – Empirical Research