Barták, Miloš
Vol.6,No.1(2016) (Book review)
Exploring a Sub-Antarctic Wilderness
Vol.8,No.2(2018) (Original Papers)
Spectral reflectance indices sense desiccation induced changes in the thalli of Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum
Vol.9,No.1(2019) (Original Papers)
Microclimate variability of Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems manipulated by open top chambers: Comparison of selected austral summer seasons within a decade
Vol.6,No.2(2016) (Original Papers)
Changes in spectral reflectance of selected Antarctic and South American lichens caused by dehydration and artificially-induced absence of secondary compounds
Vol.1,No.2(2011) (Book review)
Tři inkarnace (Three incarnations)
Vol.6,No.1(2016) (Original Papers)
Dehydration-induced responses of primary photosynthetic processes and spectral reflectance indices in Antarctic Nostoc commune
Vol.2,No.1(2012) (Book review)
Life at Extremes: Environments, Organisms and Strategies for Survival
Vol.3,No.1(2013) (Book review)
Spitsbergen / Svalbard. A complete guide around the Arctic archipelago
Vol.5,No.1(2015) (Original Papers)
Vegetation mapping of moss-dominated areas of northern part of James Ross Island (Antarctica) and a suggestion of protective measures
Vol.4,No.1(2014) (Book review)
The fast-changing Arctic. Rethinking Arctic security for a warmer world
Vol.4,No.1(2014) (Book review)
European Arctic – sea users guide
Vol.4,No.1(2014) (Original Papers)
Long-term fluorometric measurements of photosynthetic processes in Antarctic moss Bryum sp. during austral summer season
Vol.10,No.2(2020) (Original Papers)
Light regimen-induced variability of photosynthetic pigments and UV-B absorbing compounds in Luzula sylvatica from Arcto-Alpine tundra
Vol.11,No.1(2021) (Workshop 2020: BIOSCIENCES IN POLAR AND ALPINE RESEARCH (Extended abstracts) Ecological, Social, and Geopolitical Interlinks)
Ecophysiological characteristics of Luzula sylvatica from arctoalpine tundra
Vol.2,No.1(2012) (Original Papers)
Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in Antarctic lichen Usnea antarctica. I. Light intensity- and light duration-dependent changes in functioning of photosystem II
Vol.9,No.2(2019) (Original Papers)
Screening of growth phases of Antarctic algae and cyanobacteria cultivated on agar plates by chlorophyll fluorescence imaging
Vol.1,No.1(2011) (Original Papers)
Climatic and ecological characteristics of deglaciated area of James Ross Island, Antarctica, with a special respect to vegetation cover
Vol.10,No.1(2020) (Workshop 2019: BIOSCIENCES IN POLAR AND ALPINE RESEARCH (Extended abstracts))
Thallus dehydration effects and physiological consequences in Antarctic lichens: Case study from the King George Island, Antarctica
Vol.10,No.1(2020) (Workshop 2019: BIOSCIENCES IN POLAR AND ALPINE RESEARCH (Extended abstracts))
Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum affected by desiccation and low temperature
Vol.10,No.2(2020) (Original Papers)
Spectral properties of Antarctic and Alpine vegetation monitored by multispectral camera: Case studies from James Ross Island and Jeseníky Mts.
Vol.12,No.1(2022) (Original Papers)
Multispectral aerial monitoring of a patchy vegetation oasis composed of different vegetation classes. UAV-based study exploiting spectral reflectance indices
Vol.9,No.1(2019) (Original Papers)
Evaluation of photosynthetic processes in Antarctic mosses and lichens exposed to controlled rate cooling: Species-specific responses
Vol.12,No.2(2022) (Original Papers)
Interannual variation of soil heat flux in a grass-dominated alpine tundra. Preliminary study from the Jeseníky Mts.
Vol.9,No.1(2019) (Original Papers)
Open top chamber microclimate may limit photosynthetic processes in Antarctic lichen: Case study from King George Island, Antarctica
Vol.9,No.1(2019) (Original Papers)
The effect of shock freezing on physiological properties and consequent growth of Antarctic filamentous (Stigeoclonium sp.) and coccal alga (Diplosphaera chodatii) on agar plates
Vol.13,No.1(2023) (Original Papers)
Cryoresistance of Antarctic endemic lichen Himantormia lugubris: Analysis of photosystem II functionality using a constant-rate cooling approach
Vol.8,No.2(2018) (Original Papers)
Limitation of photosynthetic processes in photosystem II in alpine mosses exposed to low temperatures: Response of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters
Vol.1,No.1(2011) (Original Papers)
Summer season variability of dissolved oxygen concentration in Antarctic lakes rich in cyanobaterial mats
Vol.7,No.1(2017) (Original Papers)
Short-term responses of primary processes in PS II to low temperature are sensitively indicated by fast chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics in Antarctic lichen Dermatocarpon polyphyllizum
Vol.1,No.2(2011) (Original Papers)
Comparative analysis of temperature courses in Antarctic lakes of different morphology: Study from James Ross Island, Antarctica
Vol.6,No.1(2016) (Original Papers)
Effects of controlled oxidative stress and uncouplers on primary photosynthetic processes in vegetative cells of Antarctic alga Zygnema sp.
Vol.6,No.1(2016) (Original Papers)
Effects of short-term low temperature stress on chlorophyll fluorescence transients in Antarctic lichen species
Vol.3,No.1(2013) (Original Papers)
Facilities of J. G. Mendel Antarctic station: Technical and technological solutions with a special respect to energy sources
Vol.3,No.2(2013) (Original Papers)
Biodiversity of freshwater algae and cyanobacteria on deglaciated northern part of James Ross Island, Antarctica. A preliminary study.
Vol.4,No.2(2014) (Original Papers)
Gradient of algal and cyanobacterial assemblages in a temporary lake with melting water at Solorina Valley, James Ross Island, Antarctica
Vol.4,No.2(2014) (Original Papers)
Diurnal changes in photosynthetic activity of the biological soil crust and lichen: Effects of abiotic factors (Petuniabukta, Svalbard)
Vol.4,No.1(2014) (Original Papers)
Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in Antarctic lichen Usnea antarctica. II. Analysis of non-photochemical quenching mechanisms activated by low to medium light doses
Vol.4,No.1(2014) (Original Papers)
Effect of temperature and increased concentration of CO2 on growth and photosynthetic activity of polar alga Trebouxia sp.
Vol.3,No.1(2013) (Original Papers)
Temperature-dependent growth rate and photosynthetic performance of Antarctic symbiotic alga Trebouxia sp. cultivated in a bioreactor
Vol.3,No.2(2013) (Original Papers)
Sensitivity of Antarctic freshwater algae to salt stress assessed by fast chlorophyll fluorescence transient
Vol.8,No.2(2018) (Original Papers)
Comparative research of photosynthetic processes in selected poikilohydric organisms from Mediterranean and Central-European alpine habitats
Vol.6,No.2(2016) (Other)
Biomonitoring of heavy metals using Usnea antarctica lichens (extended abstract)
Vol.7,No.1(2017) (Original Papers)
First record of a common endolithic lichenized fungus species Catenarina desolata Schting, Sgaard & Elvebakk. from James Ross Island (Antarctic Peninsula)
Vol.5,No.1(2015) (Original Papers)
Features of chlorophyll fluorescence transients can be used to investigate low temperature induced effects on photosystem II of algal lichens from polar regions ( Short Communication )
Vol.2,No.1(2012) (Original Papers)
Interspecific differences in photosynthetic efficiency and spectral reflectance in two Umbilicaria species from Svalbard during controlled desiccation
Vol.13,No.1(2023) (Original Papers)
Lendemeriella vaczii, a new lichenized fungal species from Antarctic Peninsula-with a key to the genus Lendemeriella
Vol.8,No.1(2018) (Original Papers)
The effect of upper cortex absence on spectral reflectance indices in Antarctic lichens during thallus dehydration
Vol.4,No.2(2014) (Original Papers)
Comparative analysis of heterogeneity of primary photosynthe-tic processes within fruticose lichen thalli: Preliminary study of interspecific differences ( Short Communication )
Vol.5,No.1(2015) (Original Papers)
Biodiversity of freshwater autotrophs in selected wet places in northern coastal ecosystems of James Ross Island
Vol.3,No.2(2013) (Original Papers)
Nitrate and ammonium ions contents in field minibioreactors with Antarctic freshwater autotrophs