Spectral properties of Antarctic and Alpine vegetation monitored by multispectral camera: Case studies from James Ross Island and Jeseníky Mts.



In this study, we investigated the utility of spectral remote sensing data gathered by a multispectral camera for estimating of vegetation cover in Antarctic vegetation oasis and Arcto-Alpine tundra. The surveys exploiting unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and multispectral camera were done in an Antarctic vegetation oasis located at the Northern shore of James Ross Island (Antarctica), and arcto-alpine tundra located in the Jeseníky Mts. (NE Czech Republic, 1 420 m a.s.l.). For the two locations, false colour images of spectral indices (VARI, NGRDI, GLI, RGVI, ExG, NDVI, PRI) were taken and analysis of vegetation types and components of vegetation cover done. Additionally, field research was performed by handheld instruments measuring NDVI, PRI and of selected vegetation components: Bryum pseudotriquetrum, Nostoc commune colonies (Antarctica), lichens grown on flat stones and boulders (the Jeseníky Mts.). The results show UAV photo surveys and imaging of spectral reflectance indices can be used to monitor vegetation types forming Antarctic vegetation oases and arcto-alpine tundra.

remote sensing; UAV; vegetation indices; spectral reflectance; plant functional types
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