Korvas, Pavel
Vol.4,No.2(2010) (KINESIOLOGY)
The Load At Bipedal And Quadrupedal Walking (Pilot Study)
Vol.5,No.1(2011) (KINESIOLOGY)
The Changes Of An Attack Jump Kinetic Characteristics Of Young Volleyball Players During Six Months
Vol.6,No.1(2012) (KINESIOLOGY)
The Cross Country Skiers Push-off Force Explored on Selected Techniques
Vol.6,No.2(2012) (Reviews)
Zpráva z konference v Aalborgu
Vol.7,No.1(2013) (Discussions, Reviews, Reports,)
Zpráva z konference v západním Maďarsku
Vol.7,No.1(2013) (STUDENT SECTION)
The Analysis Of Speed-Reaction Ability Of The Recreational Badminton Players – The Pilot Research
Vol.10,No.1(2016) (STUDENT SECTION)
Laterality And Reactive Abilities In Badminton
Vol.9,No.1(2015) (KINESIOLOGY)
The Evaluation of Rehabilitation of Flatfoot diagnosis in Childhood using 3D Profilometric Scanning Method