Author Guidelines

Original manuscripts for the journal STUDIA SPORTIVA are submitted in English language only.

Submission can be send after logging/registering on this website (upper right corner)

Authors are not required to send any payment for submitting an article.

There is a processing fee of 50 EUR after the submission is accepted (valid for submissions sent after 15th of January 2024). Starting 18.2.2025, employees and PhD. students of the Masaryk University don´t have to pay the APC fee.

The manuscript needs to be submitted to the right section (the journal has three main ones) - kinesiology, social sciences or student section (further information can be found in the section ABOUT/POLICIES).

Email of the primary author (usually the individual uploading the submission) is used for all the communication, please make sure you added the correct contact information.

All manuscripts will be revised by two reviewers (students´  manuscripts are reviewed by one reviewer), and articles will be published on the basis of their favorable opinion. In the case of the contradicting opinion of the two reviewers, the article is passed for assessment to the third reviewer. The author will be immediately notified of the reviewers´ decision.

The author is responsible for language accuracy. Submitted papers will undergo editorial revision in the use of spelling, grammar, and stylistics. All changes in the text, however, must be approved by the author.

Manuscripts should be uploaded as editable documents formatted in RTF or DOC.



We accept papers with references cited using the APA citation format (Seventh Edition, 2019). You can see examples below (scroll lower).

We recommend using ZOTERO plugin/app where you can organise all the citation in a quick and simple manner You may choose the citation style you need and it is available for Mac, Windows, Linux, and iOS.


Alongside articles, we accept high-quality Letters and Reviews.




Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing 1. Align titles and paragraphs in a block.

All manuscripts need to use numbered line spacing. You will use this ass a guide for revised parts of the manuscript for better workflow of reviewers and editors.

Your manuscript won´t be accepted for consideration without numbered line spacing, separate title page and manuscript file (anonymous) and missing author names in our journal system.

When uploading manuscript, please upload title page with: article title, authors names and affiliations, acknowlegements and contact information. Manuscript should ommit all the information provided in the title page - it means they need to be anonymous

Title Page Template

Research Article Template

Template for Other Than Research Article

In the papers, use the APA citation standard (useful links down below).

Title. Write a brief, informative title. Abbreviations should not be used in titles. It is important for literature retrieval to include in the title the keywords that identify the nature of the subject matter.

Authors and Affiliations. Authors are urged to include their full names, complete with first and middle names or initials. Academic degrees should not be included. The names and locations of institutions or companies should be given to all authors. For universities, faculties should be specified (no departments, units). If several institutions are listed in a manuscript, it should be indicated with which department and institution is each author affiliated by using corresponding superscript numbers.

Abstract. It is a summary of the main points, objectives and methods (approx. 1500 characters). Do not cite references in the abstract. Abbreviations should be kept to an absolute minimum; however, if they are needed, they must be explained at first mention within the abstract so that it can be understood as an independent unit from the remainder of the manuscript. 

Keywords. Provide at least 5 keywords identifying the subject of the manuscript and use semicolon to devide them ( ; ). 

Financial support (if applicable)


The introduction should provide a brief overview of the background and rationale for the study. 


Explanation of the experimental methods should be adequate for repetition by qualified researchers. Procedures that have been described in previous publications should not be described in detail but merely cited with appropriate references along with any modifications of the procedure. Any commercial products that are mentioned should include the name of the manufacturer.





Follow the main text of the article and usually contain acknowledgments of people and/or funding. In proof, it is set in 9/10 text with no heading. It can also contain present addresses of authors.


Contact Information

Optional. If you add your contact information to the title page of your submission, we will publish it as it is written. You can ask us to remove it  in post-production check.


USE OF AI: Our journal doesn´t recommend the use of generative AI (and AI-assisted technologies). If authors feel the need to use it, they have to disclose in their manuscript. The clear statement must appear in the published work. Declaring the use of these technologies supports transparency and trust between authors, readers, reviewers, editors and contributors and facilitates compliance with the terms of use of the relevant tool or technology. 


Students can send contributions of exceptional quality at the recommendation of their supervisors work, or directly through their supervision, especially students of the doctoral program. Submit this manuscript as ine a Student section.





SENDING REVISIONS: Authors must send their revisions with a file of explanations for the corrections made to the manuscrips (based on reviewers comments). Please, use the numbered line spacing for easy flow and you may use a differenct for color to highlight corrected parts. You should also track changes in your manuscript, so editors and reviewers can have a proper view of modifications.

DO NOT upload revisions as a new submission (screenshot below).



By submitting the paper, the authors give their consent to the publication in STUDIA SPORTIVA journal in its printed and electronic form, or its inclusion in electronic databases.

Articles that do not comply with these policies will not be reviewed.


References need to be cited in APA citation format (Samples at the end of this page)









Direct quoting 


For the quotations longer than 40 words, write in a block, (example below).




Naming more authors


Two authors 



Three to five authors 



More than six authors 



If the author is unknown: Use the title instead of the name (first word or two words: books and reports have to be in italics; articles, chapters and web pages in quotation marks).





Secondary source (locate primary source whenever possible) 





  • Satori, T. U. (2008). Below the Surface of Sport and Socialization. Volleyball Today, 5, 18-34.
  • Bokuto, K. T., & Kuroo, T. B. (2013). Depression and Orthorexia Nervosa: Is there a connection? Journal of Eating Disorders in Modern Day, 14, 99-119.
  • Bokuto, K. T., Kuroo, T. B., Satori, T. U., & Sousuke, R. M. (2017). The cooperation between mind and body in competitive sports: focus on volleyball and swimming. Journal of Competition, 47, 21-29.
  • Allister, M.H., Han, S. S., McGonagall, A. D., Snyder, Z. Y., T´Challa, K. R., . . . Zorba, E. W. (1998). Under the spiderweb: Binge Eating and gymnastics. Journal of Eating Disorders in Modern Day, 16, 85-94.   (More than seven authors)


Version A:

  • Rogers, S. C. (1988)
  • Rogers, S. C. (1989)


Version B:

  • Stark, T. I. (1988). Relationship between sport and personal life. Education and Management, 18, 45-65.
  • Stark, T. I., & Parker, P. S. (2000). Relationship between sport and personal life. Education and Management, 20, 48-59.


Version C:

  • McGee, J. K. (2011a). Marriage and professional sport. Life in Sport, 12, 5-12.
  • McGee, J. K. (2011b). Marriage after professional sport. Life in Sport, 13, 22-29.


If there is a number of the volume and issue of the journal stated:


By volume

  • Allister, M.H., Han, S. S., McGonagall, A. D., Snyder, Z. Y., T´Challa, K. R., . . . Zorba, E. W. (1998). Under the spiderweb: Binge Eating and gymnastics. Journal of Eating Disorders in Modern Day, 16, 85-94.  

By issue

  • Allister, M.H., Han, S. S., McGonagall, A. D., Snyder, Z. Y.,T´Challa, K. R., . . . Zorba, E. W. (1998). Under the spiderweb: Binge Eating and gymnastics. Journal of Eating Disorders in Modern Day, 16(4), 85-94.  


Article with DOI 

  • Šimková, K., Šovčík, J., Yoongi, M. S. (2017). Motivation in children regarding arts and sports. Children and Growth, 15(6), 18-35.


In Magazine 

  • Seokjin, K. J., Namjoon, R. M. (1990, October 1). Technology for youth. World Today, 225, 56-78.




Only author:

  • Scott, L. P. (2013). Basketball of past and present. New York, NY: Haikyu.

With editor:

  • Scott, L. P. (2013). Basketball of past and present. L. L. Lockwood (Ed.), New York, NY: Haikyu.

Editor, no author:

  • Lockwood, L. L. (Ed.). (2013). Basketball of past and present. New York, NY: Haikyu

Numerous authors and editors:

  • Lockwood, L. L., & Scott, L. P. (2015). Basketball of past and present. H. Nanase & R. Matsuoka (Eds.), New York, NY: Haikyu 


When using the translated book – both years need to be mentioned

  • Lamore, A. M. (2014). What psychologists don´t talk about. (O. P. Taehyung & J. H. Hoseok, Trans.). New York, NY: Carpe. (Original work published in 2000)


Other Editions

  • Scott, L. P. (2013). Basketball of past and present (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Haikyu.

Article or chapter

  • Scott, L. P. (2013). Maybe it was supposed to be. In L. L. Lamore (Ed.), Basketball of past and present (67-95). New York, NY: Haikyu.

More volumes of one work

  • Jungkook, S. (Ed.). (1999). Sport disciplines through the history (Vols. 1-7). New York, NY: Haikyu.


Conference Proceedings 

  • Mikulová, M., Švec, P. (Eds.). (2016). Proceedings from: International Conference of Psychology, Sport and Eating Disorders. Banská Bystrica: Insomnia.



  • Bokuto, K. T., Kuroo, T. B. (2013). Depression and Orthorexia Nervosa: Is there a connection? [Abstract]. Journal of Eating Disorders in Modern Day, 14, 99-119.


Qualitative Data; Online Interviews (if there is no audio or print form, cite in text, do not add into reference list)


  • Šimková, K., (Interviewer) Yoongi, M. S. (Interviewee). (2018). Change of Perspective [Interview transcript]. Retrieved from Masaryk University website: …
  • The same process goes for online lecture notes or presentation slides (Author; year; title; change “Interview transcript” to either “PowerPoint slides”, “Word document”, etc) with URL available.


Every publication, journal, and author name in these examples are made up.

Tables examples can be found here


Figures examples can be found here



Practical information for APA with regular updates can be found here (citations, references, use of  abbreviationsAPA sample paper and many more. 

(credits: Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) - under the terms and conditions of fair use)