The Cross Country Skiers Push-off Force Explored on Selected Techniques



This contribution is a descriptive study which deals with the basic kinetic characteristics of main cross-country ski, skating techniques. We observed and analysed the leg force during the stroke for open field skating or V1 and V2 skating. Next, we studied the time of the stroke (kick). The measurements were made with the help of the system Pedar [Novel, GER]. Our observed group were from the high-performance level competitors, who were ranked 25th in the SLCR ranking. We discovered the various figures of maximal force for both techniques, usually higher for open field and V1 technique than for V2 skating, the higher force during skating on the flat terrain than on the slope for training and race speed. The average value of maximal force on flat terrain during open field or V1 skating were 1,2 – 1,5 multiple of body weight (BW), for V2 skating we found 1,1 – 1,4 (BW). In the uphill section the value was 1,2 – 1,4 (BW) for open field or V1 skating and 1 – 1,2 (BW) for V2.

open field skating; V1 skating; V2 skating; time of stroke (kick); kinetic analyse; stroke (kick); force of the stroke (kick)


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