The Analysis Of Speed-Reaction Ability Of The Recreational Badminton Players – The Pilot Research
The main goal of the pilot research was an introductory analysis of the changes of quick reaction abilities of the recreational badminton players which had a different level of the efficiency during the training cycle. There was an intervention programme which lasted 3 months. In this programme, an experimental team was formed exclusively from recreational badminton players. The Filtro reaction check was used for diagnostics. After completing the intervention program, the results were compared with a testing team which consists exclusively of recreational players as well and those members that didn´t participate in the intervention program. The results have shown the differences between the experimental team in which the improvement was 12,6 % for men and 14,2 % for women. In the testing team, the improvement for wasn´t significant and the women´s results were worse. The results were compared for statistical significance level of 0,05. While the data collection is still in progress, the partial results indicate that it is possible to improve the level of the quick reaction abilities of adult recreational badminton players in a relatively short training cycle.
quick reaction ability; speed; badminton; testing; sport training; ability to move
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