Copyright Notice


This journal provides instant open access to its content on the principle that free access to research results promotes greater global exchange of knowledge.

The website and the content fall under the CREATIVE COMMONS license - Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0. We are free to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform and build upon the material), under the following terms of attribution (giving appropriate credit and not using the material for commercial purposes).

The author is obliged to provide and acertain for himself the rights to the submission and eventually to the works used within, so that he/she can offer proposal to licensing contract under the above specified licensing conditions. The author is aware of the fact, that he/she is liable for the harm that may arise from a breach of the this obligation, including the costs related to eventual litigation and harm caused by damage to the reputation of the publisher.

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. The author declares that the Work is free of copyright or other legal defects, it was neither published anywhere else, nor simultaneously offered for publication, except the platforms of standard scientific pre-submission communications (e.g. SSRN, ResearchGate, Academia).
  2. The author declares that he/she is the real author or the joint author of the Work and his/her freedom to grant the license is not limited or excluded, and the author is entitled to dispose of the Work, because especially, but not limited to:
  1. In the case that the Work is the work of joint authors, the author declares that all the joint authors have been informed of these License Terms and that he/she is authorized to grant MUNI the license under these License Terms on behalf of the joint authors.
  2. The author agrees that if the Work is accepted for publication, the proposal to conclude a license agreement for the Work will be on his/her behalf aimed at an indefinite number of persons, while the content of the agreement will be determined by reference to the publicly available licence conditions Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (available from:
  3. If any of the author’s statements prove to be untrue, the author is aware that he/she is liable for the resulting damage, including the costs associated with any litigation and damage caused by a violation of the Journal’s and/or MUNI’s reputation.
  4. Author agrees to pay article processing fee of 50€ after the article is accepted for publication. Author will be contacted by the technical editor about the payment details.
  5. Author understands that starting in 2024, the journal is published continuously, meaning that article is published in one of the journal´s issues as soon as the article is accepted and ready for publication.

License Grant

  1. The author grants MUNI gratuitous non-exclusive license to use the Work in all the known manners of use (especially, but not limited to, reproduction, distribution and communication to public), individually, in the collection or together with any other works or elements unlimited as regards to amount and form and media of expression (including electronic).
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  4. The license is granted for the duration of economic rights to the Work.
  5. MUNI shall be entitled to grant an authorisation forming part of the licence to the third party or parties, in whole or in part under a sublicense agreement, with or without remuneration.
  6. By granting the license, the author agrees with including the Work into the scientific and bibliographical databases (eg. EBSCO, CEEOL) as well as information systems for providing the informational services, where the Journal is currently indexed as well as those, where it will be indexed pro futuro.
  7. MUNI shall be not obliged to make use of the license.

Further Use of Work

  1. Given granted the non-exclusive license to the Work, the author shall be entitled to further use the Work. For the purpose of such further use of the Work, the author shall be obliged to state the Journal as the source of publication of the Work.
  2. In the case of disclosure of the Work on the platforms of standard scientific pre-submission communications within the meaning of Art. 1.1, the author shall be obliged to additionally state the Journal as the source of publication of the Work, without undue delay.
  3. The reputation of MUNI and/or Journal shall not be negatively affected by the further use of the Work.


  1. Legal relations based on the license shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic; any disputes arising out of the license shall be settled by the courts of the Czech Republic.
  2. If the Work is rejected for publication in the Journal, the license shall be, at the moment of the decision of rejection, restricted in such a way that it shall cover use of Work only in the necessary extent within related editorial activities (e.g. review and archiving).

Subscription fee

 Journal doesn´t fall under any paid subscription.

Publication fee

From January 15th of 2024, the journal will have Article Proceesing Fees (APC) set at the price of 50 EUR. The fees will be paid after the submission is accepted for publication. Fees are applicaple for submissions send after this date. You will be contacted with payment information after the review process is finalized.  

Refund of the APC fees

Refunds are handled on a case-by-case basis and once an article has been published we cannot initiate a refund.

Studia sportiva will refund an APC if an error on our part has resulted in a failure to publish an article under the open access terms. A refund will only be offered if these errors have not been corrected within 30 days of publication. If you become aware of an error, please contact us immediately. 

APC fee will not be refunded when articles are retracted as a result of author error or misconduct (see Publication Ethics | Studia sportiva)