Education as Development Tool: Educational Strategies and Pedagogic Authority of NGOs Working with Roma Children and Youth

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This paper analyzes the education of Roma children and youth in Czech NGOs from the perspectives of the social anthropology of development and the sociology of education. Activities usually anchored solely in a social work discourse are conceptualized as development education. The paper explores the educational strategies used by NGOs, how the main purpose of their efforts is characterized, and the basis of their pedagogical authority. Based on nine qualitative interviews with NGO representatives based in the city of Brno, the analysis shows that the educational strategies of NGOs are class determined and unreflectively evaluate the social reality of their clients. The pedagogic authority of social workers is based on liberal middle-class values which serve as a hegemonic perspective, through which social workers evaluate the social competences of their clients and their approaches to sexuality, adolescence and leisure activities. Differences in values or practices are considered a problem (underdevelopment) that needs to be solved (developed). The paper argues that insufficient reflection upon the values behind the NGO activities is one of the major reasons for the failure of their integrative efforts.

development, education, middle-class values, educational strategies, pedagogic authority, NGOs

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