Opting for Living-Apart-Together and Cohabitation Relationships in people 50+: A Longitudinal Analysis

Climate Action: Transforming Infrastructure, Cultivating Attentiveness, Practicing Solidarity


Despite a growing body of research on later-life relationships, there are still only a limited number of explorative longitudinal studies that have investigated the factors responsible for the establishment of either a Living-Apart-Together (LAT) arrangement or a cohabitation relationship. Two waves of data collection by the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (2014/2015-2017; N= 12,155; Mage=71.96; 76.3% women) were analyzed with a special focus on family, dwelling, and financial constraints. Those who were male, younger, and had more children were more likely to enter into a LAT arrangement or a cohabitation relationship than to remain unpartnered. More rooms and fewer years spent in the accommodation raised the odds to partner. LAT persons were slightly older than those in cohabitation relationships. No other factors influenced the form of living arrangement, which indicates that factors other than financial constraints and family responsibilities affect later-life LAT or cohabitation relationship formation.

relationship formation; partnering; Living-Apart-Together relationships; cohabitation; ageing; Socioemotional Selectivity Theory; SHARE project

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