Dynamic biometric signature and GDPR


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in its Article 9 greatly limits the possibility to process biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person. This Regulation will replace the current Act No. 101/2000 Coll. of Laws, on protection of personal data and therefore, according to some opinions, it will no longer be possible to proceed within the limits of the existing position of the Office for Personal Data Protection concerning the processing of biometric data that considers the processing of the dynamic biometric signature to be in the same regime as a classic signature. It means that personal data not the sensitive ones are being processed. This contribution analyses whether it is really necessary to change the current interpretative practice on the use of biometric data in this specific area after GDPR will apply and concludes that it is not the case. There are also mentioned general possibilities and limits for use of biometrics from the point of view of the applicable law and GDPR.

Biometric Data; Dynamic Biometric Signature; Regulation GDPR; Act on the Protection of Personal Data; Identification; Authentication; Authorization

s. 89–112
Author biography

Vladimír Smejkal

Moravská vysoká škola Olomouc


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