Post-Adolescent Society as a Challenge for Education


The article deals with the phenomenon of kidult and a post-adolescent society, which is associated with a phenomenon called infantilisation. It is a theoretical study aimed at showing the potential of leisure education in the prevention of the appearance of kidult. The article focuses primarily on leisure education and its potential to prevent the appearance of a kidult lifestyle (Kočerová & Bauman, 2013). Kidult, adultescent, or rejuvenile – the phenomenon linked to the emergence of postadolescent society. The unwillingness to adopt a social role corresponding with one’s age is the main characteristic of this lifestyle. Thus, this society has developed into a post-adolescent society which lacks responsible citizens who are willing to make decisions and face their consequences. This lifestyle results in a dysfunctional civil society, thus also affecting democracy. The infantilised culture, however, penetrates education, which does not develop critical thinking and responsible citizenship; on the other hand, individualism is encouraged under the label of liberal choice. This education simply passes on ‘ready-made’ facts instead of leading to thinking, and it supports pseudo-values artificially produced by mass media (Barber, 1984, 2001, 2007). Post-adolescent society is a challenge especially for pedagogy, whose aim should be to develop critical and creative thinking, and reflexive practice, and not only in formal but especially in non-formal education.

kidult; kidulthood; rejuvenile; adultescent; lifestyle; education; leisure; leisure education

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