Human being: Good and/or evil? Anthropological position between authoritarian and liberal approach to education


The purpose is to show the implications of anthropological preunderstanding of human nature to moral education. The first part distinguishes the difference between ontological and moral aspect of human nature. That is, it differentiates between who a human being is (ontology) and who he or she is to be (morality). The second part compares three, resp. four anthropological variants dealing with these aspects – anthropological pessimism, optimism, realism and existentialism. The third part shows the educational implications of these variants. The anthropological pre-understanding which distinguishes the ontological and moral complexity of human nature leads to authentic educational humanization, in contrast to anthropological pessimism that leads to authoritarian education and optimism that leads to liberalistic education. Anthropological realism offers the best potential
for effective moral education that strives for formation of authentic humanity.

ontology; morality; education; moral education; good; evil; humanity

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