When numbers and words co-operate: Mixed methods design in examples from research into power in the classroom


The study illustrates mixed methods research design (MMD) procedures on examples from three-year long research into power in the classrooms of student teachers funded by Czech Science Foundation. The integration of quantitative and qualitative methodology is shown at the level of theory, chosen type of MMD, research question, sampling, data collection, data analysis and their interpretation. The study shows examples of possible forms of integration of findings from quantitative and qualitative data which contribute to discovering of further dimensions of the studied phenomenon and differences in the participants perspectives or in the data interpretation. The study discusses the differences of quantitative and qualitative research and deconstructs them. It shows historical development of MMD and discusses what it is and what it is not. The study discusses three basic forms of MMD, integrated research design, and parallelization and integration as main principles of MMD. In the final chapter, some of the critical questions of MMD are opened.

mixed methods design; qualitative research; quantitative research; (in)compatibility thesis; deconstruction of differences; integrated research design; parallelization of research components; theory; research question; sampling; data collection method; d

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