Internal quality assurance systems in universities under the institutional accreditation régime
The four Czech public universities that received institutional accreditation to varying degrees in 2018–2019 were monitored in terms of how they evaluated and ensured the quality of their study programmes. Documents related to this issue published by the institutions concerned on their websites were studied, and a questionnaire survey was carried out among the members of their internal evaluation boards. On the basis of this information obtained, the procedures for assessing the quality of study programmes and authorising their implementation, the various organisational measures used to ensure the quality of these programmes, the involvement of external experts in these processes and the organisation of student evaluations and the use of their results were identified. It was found that all of the universities monitored take a very responsible approach to ensuring the quality of their educational activities, in accordance with their strategy and mission, and adapt their internal quality assurance system to the specific conditions of their educational systems.
quality assurance of higher education; study programme; education area; institutional accreditation; authorization to carry out a study programme; internal evaluation board
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