Implementation of outdoor education in selected countries involved in Outward Bound International



In the educational environment of most developed countries, the concept of outdoor education has been increasingly applied in recent decades. Staying outside is one of the important conditions for a child's healthy development. It is of great importance for their physical, cognitive, social, emotional development and contributes to the development of its key competencies. External activities have an irreplaceable role in the upbringing and education of the child. They help them understand the world around them, which is the real space of his current and future existence. From this point of view, outdoor education has an educational potential, which is irreplaceable in optimizing the complex development of the child's personality. The aim of the presented study is to point out the peculiarities of outdoor education, historical context, present and future of its application in educational practice at home and abroad. In the first part we deal with the philosophical background, theory and practice of experiential learning. The following is an analytical comparison of the implementation of outdoor education in selected countries that are part of the global organization dedicated to outdoor education - Outward Bound International. The comparison is based on the analysis of information sources from the full-text databases Proquest, Scopus, Web of science and others. Literary methods, analysis of pedagogical documents and literary sources of our and foreign provenance were used. Finally, we offer a brief summary of the issue in the form of a table. The study also includes proposals for the application of positive changes in educational practice in Slovakia.

outdoor education; Outward Bound International; formal and informal education; comparative analysis

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