Multilingualism as a particular goal of foreign language education and possibilities for its support


The study deals with the issue of multilingualism as a particular goal of language education. The author aims to offer an insight into the additional language teaching at primary/secondary schools in the context of multilingualism. The first part of the paper provides a definition of the concept of multilingualism, which forms the theoretical background of our study (i.e. multilingualism as a particular goal of language teaching). As we define multilingualism as pupils’ ability to speak three or more languages, we propose a system for ordering and labelling these languages. The next part of the paper focuses on acquisition of additional (second, third etc.) languages and its characteristics. The fourth part of the paper deals with the didactic approach to the concept of multilingualism and its possible implementation into additional language teaching. Finally yet importantly, we focus on teachers and the competencies that they should have in order to meaningfully support multilingualism in instruction.

multilingualism; theory of third or additional language acquisition; language teaching; didactic approach to support multilingualism; teacher’s competence for multilingualism support

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