Love and Prosociality


The paper deals with pedagogic love in relation to prosociality in education. The word love keeps disappearing from pedagogic texts that are one-sidedly oriented towards scientism. However, significant pedagogues of both the past and the present times consider love to be the basis of any kind of education. While prosociality primarily affects the behavioural facet of human relations, love is aimed at the innermost level. It is necessary to look for the great truths about the depth of the anthropological phenomenon called love in philosophy. Philosophical beliefs concerning the role of love in human life, in man’s individual and social existence, opinions of thinkers frrom the ancient times until today, provide pedagogy with the starting point leading towards understanding the role of love in the sphere of education.

interpersonal relations; love and ethical values; man’s ethical self-forming; transcedence; education through heart; ordo amoris; love as art; ens amant; radical ethical attitudes




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