Teacher' self-efficacy in immigrant children education in a broader context



The presented article deals with the topic of self-efficacy of the Czech elementary school teachers in the immigrant children education. The research question asks: What are the characteristics of teachers’ perception of their self-efficacy in immigrant children education? To gain the answer, we have analysed semi-structured interviews with the teachers that have various experience with immigrant children education. During the analysis, we have taken into account the basic characteristics of behaviour of teachers´ with high perception of self-efficacy that we have built on the literature reviews. Our survey has shown a number of perceived factors that play a key role in teachers´ ability to educate immigrant children. One example is the important role of the level of teachers' experience with immigrant children education. Teachers´ concerns about working with immigrant children that have no knowledge of the Czech language and that come from non-traditional cultures, negatively effects their perception of self-efficacy. The respondents highlight possible ways to increase their self-efficacy in the discussed area. The suggestions are for example: to establish preparatory language classes for immigrant children with no knowledge of the Czech language or to strengthen teacher education in the specific areas concerning practical aspects of work in the culturally heterogeneous classes.

teachers' self-efficacy; immigrant children education; teacher assistant; preparatory language classes

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