Jednočlenné domácnosti mladých lidí v České republice



Over the last few decades, we have been witnessing a gradual increase in the number
of one-member households among young people in the Czech Republic. Even though the experience of
living alone in so-called early adulthood can affect the development and lifestyle, so far it is not wellresearched
phenomenon bound to stereotypes and myths. Based on quantitative data survey of EU-SILC
and time-use diary survey by Czech Household Panel Survey this study provides basic information on the
origin, characteristics and living conditions in one-member households of individuals between the ages of
18 and 35 and examines selected aspects of their lifestyles. Based on detailed analysis it aims to disprove
a stereotypical idea of careerism among these people by comparing their income, job positions and working
hours with the other types of household. In comparison with the other types of household, there is also no
significant difference in the area of sociability. Hence we cannot support either of the opposing stereotypes:
solitude or extreme sociability. However, single women tend to show a lower level of sociability and certain
dissatisfaction in this area as well.

Klíčová slova:
one-member households; early adulthood; myths; stereotypes; Czech Republic

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