Traumatické komedie: Politika paměti v českém filmu
Vzpomínání a paměť
česká kinematografie; komedie; paměť; post-komunismus; post-socialismus; trauma
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EYAL, Gil. Identity and Trauma : Two Forms of the Will to Memory. History and Memory, 2004, č. 16, s. 5 – 36. ISSN 0935-560X.
EYERMAN, Ron. Cultural Trauma. 1. vyd. Cambridge, New York : Cambridge University Press, 2001. ISBN 978-0521004374.
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JAMES, Beverly. Fencing in the Past : Budapest’s Statue Park Museum. Media, Culture & Society, 1999, č. 21, s. 291 – 311. ISSN 0163-4437.
JAMES, Beverly. Imagining Postcommunism. College Station : Texas A&M University Press, 2005. 216 s. ISBN 978-1585444052.
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JAMESON, Fredric. On Meaning. In JAMESON, F. The Ideologies of Theory. London, New York : Verso, 2008. ISBN 978-1844672776.
KENNEDY, Michael D. Cultural Formations of Postcommunism : Emancipation, Transition, Nation and War. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2002. 369 s. ISBN 978-0816638581.
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MINOW, Martha. Between Vengeance and Forgiveness : Facing History after Genocide and Mass Violence. Boston : Beacon Press, 1999. 224 s. ISBN 978-0807045077.
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RICOEUR, Paul. Memory, History, Forgetting. Chicago, London : University of Chicago Press, August 2004. 274 s. ISBN 0-226-71341-5.
ROBERTS, Ken ; POVALL, Sue ; THOLEN, Jochen. Farewell to the Intelligentsia : Political Transformation and Changing Forms of Leisure Consumption in the Former Communist Countries of Eastern Europe. Leisure Studies, 2004, č. 2, roč. 24, s. 115 – 135. ISSN 0261-4367.
ROSENSTONE, Robert A. History on Film/Film on History. 1. vyd. White Plains : Longman, 2006. 200 s. ISBN 978-0582505841.
ROSENSTONE, Robert A. Historical Film/Historical Thought. South African Historical Journal, 2003, č. 48, s. 10 – 22. ISSN 0305-7070.
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WILLIAMS, Raymond. Culture and Materialism. London, New York : Verso, 2005. 278 s. ISBN978-1844670604.
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