Ethnic Identity in a World of Global Political, Economic, and Cultural Change. Interview with Professor Gunnar Haaland

Actor-Network Theory in Czech Social Sciences and Humanities


BARTH, Fredrik. 1966a. Models of Social Organization. London: Royal Anthropological Institute.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1966b. „The Second Royal Society Nuffield Lecture: Anthropological Models and Social Reality.“ Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 165(998): 20–34.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1969. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference. Oslo: Universitetsvorlaget.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1984. „Problems in Conceptualizing Cultural Pluralism, with Illustrations from Sohar, Oman.“ Pp. 77–87 in The Prospect for Plural Societies: 1982 Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society. Washington: American Ethnological Society.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1989. „The Analysis of Culture in Complex Societies.“ Ethnos 54(3–4): 120–142.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1990. „The Guru and the Conjurer: Transactions in Knowledge and the Shaping of Culture in Southeast Asia and Melanesia.“ Man 25(4): 640–653.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1991. Andres liv og vart eget. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1992. „Towards Greater Naturalism in Conceptualizing Societies.“ Pp. 17–33 in Adam KUPER (ed.). Conceptualizing Society. New York: Routledge.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1994. „Enduring and Emerging Issues in the Analysis of Ethnicity.“ Pp. 11–32 in Cora GOVERS a Hans VERMEULEN (eds.). The Anthropology of Ethnicity: Beyond Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1997. „How Is the Self Conceptualized? Variations among Cultures.“ Pp. 75–91 in Ulric NEISSER a David A. JOPLING (eds.). The Conceptual Self in Context: Culture, Experience, Self-Understanding. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1999. „Comparative Methodologies in the Analysis of Anthropological Data.“ Pp. 78–89 in John BOWEN a Roger PETERSEN (eds.). Critical Comparisons in Politics and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

BARTH, Fredrik. 2000. „Boundaries and Connections.“ Pp. 17–36 in Anthony P. COHEN (ed.). Signifying Identities. London: Routledge.

BARTH, Fredrik. 2002a. „Towards a Richer Description and Analysis of Cultural Phenomena.“ Pp. 23–36 in Richard G. FOX a Barbara J. KING (eds.). Anthropology beyond culture. Oxford: Berg.

BARTH, Fredrik. 2002b. „An Anthropology of Knowledge.“ Current Anthropology 43(1): 1–18.

BARTH, Fredrik. 2007. „Overview: Sixty Years of Anthropology.“ Annual Review of Anthropology 36(1): 1–16.

EISENSTADT, Shmuel N. (ed.). 1986. The Origins and Diversity of Axial Age Civilizations. New York: State University of New York Press.

ENGELS, Friedrich. 1949 [1884]. Původ rodiny, soukromého vlastnictví a státu. Praha: Svoboda.

EPSTEIN, A. L. 1958. Politics in an Urban African Community. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

GEERTZ, Clifford (ed.). 1963. Old Societies and New States: A Quest for Modernity in Asia and Africa. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe.

GEERTZ, Clifford. 1983. Local Knowledge. New York: Basic Books.

GLUCKMAN, Max. 1958. Analysis of the Social Situation in Modern Zululand. Rhodes-Livingstone Papers, 28. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

GOFFMAN, Erving. 1999. Všichni hrajeme divadlo. Praha: Nakladatelství Studia Ypsilon.

HAALAND, Gunnar. 2010. „Tourism and Commodification of Ethnicity under Communist Rule: Cases from Yunnan, China.“ Pp. 1–23 in Nefissa NAGUIB a Bert de VRIES (eds.). Movements of People in Time and Space: Heureux qui comme Ulysses a fait un beau voyage. Bergen: Bric.

HAALAND, Gunnar. 2012a. „Samfunn: En prosessanalytisk forståelse.“ Pp. 102–123 in Kenneth DAHLGREN a Hans Erik NæSS (eds.). Tanker om samfunn. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

HAALAND, Gunnar. 2012b. „Event Focused Fieldwork and Comparative Methodology: Exploring Ethnic Boundaries and Cultural Variation.“ Pp. 23–56 in Loshini NAIDOO (ed.). An Ethnography of Global Landscapes and Corridors. Rijeka: Intech Open. Cit. 10. listopadu 2019. (

HANDLER, Richard. 1994. „Is ,Identity‘ a Useful Cross-Cultural Concept?“ Pp. 27–40 in John R. GILLIS (ed.). Commemorations: The Politics of National Identity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

HUGHES, Everett C. 1994 [1948]. „The Study of Ethnic Relations.“ Pp. 91–96 in Everett C. HUGHES. On Work, Race, and the Sociological Imagination. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

JASPERS, Karl. 1953. The Origin and Goal of History. New Haven: Yale University Press.

LEACH, Edmund. 1954. Political Systems of Highland Burma. A Study of Kachin Social Structure. London: University of London.

MITCHELL, J. Clyde. 1956. The Kalela Dance: Aspects of Social Relations among Urban Africans in Northern Rhodesia. The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers, 27. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

MORGAN, Lewis H. 1954 [1885]. Pravěká společnost neboli výzkumy o průběhu lidského pokroku od divošství přes barbarství k civilisaci. Praha: Nakladatelství Československé akademie věd.

OBEYESEKERE, Gananath. 1981. Medusa’s Hair: An Essay on Personal Symbols and Religious Experience. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

STALIN, Josif Vissarionovič. 1951. Marxismus a národnostní a koloniální otázka. Praha: Družstevní práce.

WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel. 1988. „Should We Unthink Nineteenth-Century Social Science?“ International Social Science Journal 40(4): 525–531.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1966a. Models of Social Organization. London: Royal Anthropological Institute.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1966b. „The Second Royal Society Nuffield Lecture: Anthropological Models and Social Reality.“ Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 165(998): 20–34.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1969. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference. Oslo: Universitetsvorlaget.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1984. „Problems in Conceptualizing Cultural Pluralism, with Illustrations from Sohar, Oman.“ Pp. 77–87 in The Prospect for Plural Societies: 1982 Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society. Washington: American Ethnological Society.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1989. „The Analysis of Culture in Complex Societies.“ Ethnos 54(3–4): 120–142.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1990. „The Guru and the Conjurer: Transactions in Knowledge and the Shaping of Culture in Southeast Asia and Melanesia.“ Man 25(4): 640–653.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1991. Andres liv og vart eget. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1992. „Towards Greater Naturalism in Conceptualizing Societies.“ Pp. 17–33 in Adam KUPER (ed.). Conceptualizing Society. New York: Routledge.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1994. „Enduring and Emerging Issues in the Analysis of Ethnicity.“ Pp. 11–32 in Cora GOVERS a Hans VERMEULEN (eds.). The Anthropology of Ethnicity: Beyond Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1997. „How Is the Self Conceptualized? Variations among Cultures.“ Pp. 75–91 in Ulric NEISSER a David A. JOPLING (eds.). The Conceptual Self in Context: Culture, Experience, Self-Understanding. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

BARTH, Fredrik. 1999. „Comparative Methodologies in the Analysis of Anthropological Data.“ Pp. 78–89 in John BOWEN a Roger PETERSEN (eds.). Critical Comparisons in Politics and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

BARTH, Fredrik. 2000. „Boundaries and Connections.“ Pp. 17–36 in Anthony P. COHEN (ed.). Signifying Identities. London: Routledge.

BARTH, Fredrik. 2002a. „Towards a Richer Description and Analysis of Cultural Phenomena.“ Pp. 23–36 in Richard G. FOX a Barbara J. KING (eds.). Anthropology beyond culture. Oxford: Berg.

BARTH, Fredrik. 2002b. „An Anthropology of Knowledge.“ Current Anthropology 43(1): 1–18.

BARTH, Fredrik. 2007. „Overview: Sixty Years of Anthropology.“ Annual Review of Anthropology 36(1): 1–16.

EISENSTADT, Shmuel N. (ed.). 1986. The Origins and Diversity of Axial Age Civilizations. New York: State University of New York Press.

ENGELS, Friedrich. 1949 [1884]. Původ rodiny, soukromého vlastnictví a státu. Praha: Svoboda.

EPSTEIN, A. L. 1958. Politics in an Urban African Community. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

GEERTZ, Clifford (ed.). 1963. Old Societies and New States: A Quest for Modernity in Asia and Africa. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe.

GEERTZ, Clifford. 1983. Local Knowledge. New York: Basic Books.

GLUCKMAN, Max. 1958. Analysis of the Social Situation in Modern Zululand. Rhodes-Livingstone Papers, 28. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

GOFFMAN, Erving. 1999. Všichni hrajeme divadlo. Praha: Nakladatelství Studia Ypsilon.

HAALAND, Gunnar. 2010. „Tourism and Commodification of Ethnicity under Communist Rule: Cases from Yunnan, China.“ Pp. 1–23 in Nefissa NAGUIB a Bert de VRIES (eds.). Movements of People in Time and Space: Heureux qui comme Ulysses a fait un beau voyage. Bergen: Bric.

HAALAND, Gunnar. 2012a. „Samfunn: En prosessanalytisk forståelse.“ Pp. 102–123 in Kenneth DAHLGREN a Hans Erik NæSS (eds.). Tanker om samfunn. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

HAALAND, Gunnar. 2012b. „Event Focused Fieldwork and Comparative Methodology: Exploring Ethnic Boundaries and Cultural Variation.“ Pp. 23–56 in Loshini NAIDOO (ed.). An Ethnography of Global Landscapes and Corridors. Rijeka: Intech Open. Cit. 10. listopadu 2019. (

HANDLER, Richard. 1994. „Is ,Identity‘ a Useful Cross-Cultural Concept?“ Pp. 27–40 in John R. GILLIS (ed.). Commemorations: The Politics of National Identity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

HUGHES, Everett C. 1994 [1948]. „The Study of Ethnic Relations.“ Pp. 91–96 in Everett C. HUGHES. On Work, Race, and the Sociological Imagination. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

JASPERS, Karl. 1953. The Origin and Goal of History. New Haven: Yale University Press.

LEACH, Edmund. 1954. Political Systems of Highland Burma. A Study of Kachin Social Structure. London: University of London.

MITCHELL, J. Clyde. 1956. The Kalela Dance: Aspects of Social Relations among Urban Africans in Northern Rhodesia. The Rhodes-Livingstone Papers, 27. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

MORGAN, Lewis H. 1954 [1885]. Pravěká společnost neboli výzkumy o průběhu lidského pokroku od divošství přes barbarství k civilisaci. Praha: Nakladatelství Československé akademie věd.

OBEYESEKERE, Gananath. 1981. Medusa’s Hair: An Essay on Personal Symbols and Religious Experience. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

STALIN, Josif Vissarionovič. 1951. Marxismus a národnostní a koloniální otázka. Praha: Družstevní práce.

WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel. 1988. „Should We Unthink Nineteenth-Century Social Science?“ International Social Science Journal 40(4): 525–531.





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