Situační analýza a role diskurzů v sociálněvědním výzkumu
Nové přístupy v metodologii sociálněvědního výzkumu
The article introduces situation analysis (cf. Clarke 2005) as an epistemologicalontological basis for science freed of the positivistic paradigm. Situation analysis in a broader perspective dives into present discourses as well as discourses that have been concealed. At the meso-level, the analysis offers insight into social and discursive arenas formed by collective actors, key material elements, social organizations and institutions. At the micro-level it is aimed at the position of individual actors in a situation. Situational analysis provides multidimensional research resonating marginalized discourses and supports the everydayness of knowledge in a socially engaged, emic research of social reality. The focus on language constructions in the humanities allows for the re-definition of one’s own entities, formulas, and rules. Their (im)possible transgression is a necessary response to the accelerated and diverse shape of the recent globalized and particularized society.
situation analysis; re-presentation; discourse; methodology; qualitative research
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