Zaobchádzanie s obsahom o západnom plánovaní v československých architektonických časopisoch 1945–1970

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Architectural journals were, for their readers, architects and planners in the former Czechoslovakia, one of the few means of gaining information about Western planning in the post-war period. Despite the Iron Curtain, Czechoslovak planners were significantly influenced by contemporary discussions in the West. Analysis of the content of five major architectural journals from the period 1945–1970 proves that Czechoslovak urban planning discourse was not fully separated from the Western world, but was largely developed in contact with the West. The architectural magazines presented Western content in different genres. In the first years after World War II, the magazines used comprehensive studies based on Western projects and materials obtained mainly from organized excursions abroad. Later, with the introduction of the communist regime, the magazines included social critique, critique of cosmopolitanism, and brief articles based on selections from the foreign press. In the early nineteen-fifties, Soviet ideologybased parodies of Western planning appeared. After the rejection of socialist realism in the mid-fifties, the magazines included regular sections from the Western press and even reportage from abroad.

Klíčová slova:
Czechoslovakia; planning; architectural journals

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Použité články z architektonických časopisoch (v chronologickom poradí, v akom sa objavujú v texte):

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(bez autora): Zahraničné pásmo, Projekt 1959 Kadlec, Alex. 1962. „Nagele, nová vesnice v Holandsku“ Architektura ČSSR

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Iné zdroje:

Koller, Július. 1983. Domus č. 615/1981, z celku výpisky Domus 615 (2/73), zbierka SNG





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