Data Infrastructure Providers, Their Role in Autonomous Driving and Liability for Damage

Revue pro právo a technologie


The operation of autonomous vehicles will not be possible in the future without data provided by a data infrastructure. The data infrastructure will be as important as the road infrastructure, as it will provide data for autonomous vehicles. In the EU, there are already a number of regulations or regulation proposals governing intelligent transport systems. At the national level, standards should be identified according to which transport information service providers and physical operators of the data infrastructure could be held liable in case of damage occurred in the course of the operation of the autonomous vehicle caused by a service or network operation error or by incorrect data. While the provisions for liability for damage resulting from operating activities could be applied to the first two situations, the liability for incorrect data is not satisfactory resolved in Czech law, although the incorrect data may be the most common cause of damage in data-based applications in the future.

Autonomous Vehicles; Cybersecurity; Intelligent Transport Systems; Liability for Damage; Liability for Incorrect Data; Protection of Personal Data

s. 41–70


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