The Unbearable Ease of Processing of Personal Data by Public Administration Bodies



The Personal Data Processing Act introduced some specific rules for the processing of personal data by public authorities and public entities. One of these specifics is the impossibility of imposing an administrative sanction on these entities in the event of a breach of personal data protection rules. The authors of this article focused on the existence and current application of this exception to the sanctioning power by the Office for Personal Data Protection. They present an overview of the Office's current decision-making practice and subject it to critical analysis. They then place this analysis in a more general theoretical framework important for understanding the functioning of personal data protection regulation within the General Data Protection Regulation. Specifically, they address sanctions in regulation based on performance-based rules, as is the case with the General Data Protection Regulation. The authors derive specific negative consequences of the current legislation and its application in specific cases and come up with proposals for a solution consisting in legislative regulations and a change in the interpretation of the current wording of the law. 

personal data; GDPR; public authority; administrative sanction

s. 145–174

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