Historical Legal Informations and Database Access (background, general questions and a case study)



The article „Historical Legal Informations and Database Access“ examines the problem of digitalisation of a highly specific type of legal information – historical legal information. In its first part, the article deals with the general issues of access to and handling of historical legal information. The second part describes the current Czech situation and mentions the practical difficulties arising from digitalisation and database availability of historical legal informations. The third part of the article provides a critical overview of the activities that have been undertaken in the field of digitization and of database access. The fourth part of the article summarizes the mentioned projects on the basis of this assessment and formulates optimal requirements for the further activities. These requirements are being implemented the National Legal Heritage Project, briefly described in Part Five. The part six describes the possibilities of the system and the ways of its use. The seventh part then completes the preceding part with selected technical parameters of the system solution.

Legal history; Databases; Digitalisation; Legal libraries; Czech Republic

s. 93–140

Seznam literatury:

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