An enrichment of routine psychotherapeutic care with findings of neurosciences - PBSP and Grawe's model

Psychotherapy and neuroscience (thematic issue)


I try to illustrate in my article a contribution of still growing volume of neuroscientific research findings for a routine psychotherapeutic care. First I am briefly thinking about a development of a therapist, in order to frame widely a personal concrete experience of an integration of such information into the reflection of a therapeutic process. For this purpose I use particular examples of a linkage between Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (PBSP) and Grawe's consistency-theoretical model. I introduce PBSP more widely as a continuously developing modern therapeutic system. Its effectiveness has not yet been studied in a larger scale by regular studies and therefore it is interesting to discover how some theoretical concepts and a unique practice of this system correlates with Grawe's conclusions. An empiric basis of PBSP matches well with the empiric data obtained by neurosciences.

Aleš Fürst, psychiatrist, individual and group psychotherapist, Liberec, Czech Republic e-mail:

consistency-theoretical model; neurosciences; PBSP; psychotherapy

