Transcending Self Therapy in the treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder



Group Transcending Self Therapy (TST) is a new psychotherapeutic approach designed for the treatment of addictions, based on cognitive-behavioural therapy. The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of this approach with the treatment as usual (TAU) in patients entering outpatient treatment for alcohol use disorder. The study involved 79 participants (33% women) with a mean age of 46.8 years (SD = 12.5). Patients were provided with either TST (n = 39) or TAU (n = 40). The groups were compared in terms of relapse rate, retention in treatment, level of psychopathology and quality of life. After 20 weeks of treatment, there were no differences in treatment efficacy between TST and TAU. We discuss the results of the study through the optics of known factors influencing the effectiveness of psychotherapy.

transcending self therapy; cognitive-behavioral therapy; group psychotherapy; alcohol use disorder; treatment outcomes

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