Availability of Czech School Play-Centres


The scholarly literature generally acknowledges the positive effects of participation in organized afterschool programs. Such programs are, besides other facilities, offered by the Czech school play-centres, which are a traditional part of the education system providing afterschool care for primary school pupils. The study aims to analyze the availability (capacities, vacancies, enrolment rates of schoolchildren etc.) of afterschool programs offered by the Czech school play-centres overall and in socially excluded areas. To achieve the goals of the study, the statistical information collected by the Ministry of Education in yearly reports of school principals was analysed. Overall, the capacity of school play-centres is sufficient (about 8 % of participant slots are vacant), however the free capacity is unequally distributed (about 40 % of school play-centres are full or exceed their capacity). The findings suggest that the planning of the school play-centres capacity should be more effective. The utilisation rates are generally lower in socially excluded areas, and strategies to increase the demand for afterschool programs offered by the school play-centres should be implemented. Further research should focus on the quality of afterschool programs provided by the school play-centres.

school play-centres; afterschool programs; educational planning; equal educational opportunities; socially excluded areas

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