Non-Formal Children and Youth Education Focused on Geoscience Content in the Czech Republic


The aim of this paper is to review Czech domestic and international English written literature outputs on the theme of nonformal geoscience education published in the last two decades, with to respect to the local situation in the Czech Republic. The literature findings cover education of children and youth (age group of six to nineteen years old pupils and students). Information about non-formal education with specific geoscience content put into the context of natural sciences education literature sources. The overview study reflects contemporary Czech educational reality and includes the relations to the formal educational system. It encompasses literature resources about nonformal and at the same time out-of-school, leisure based and interest education. Previous conclusions and future visions in the field of geoscience educational research are described. Terminological limits in the field have been researched in the literature. The study outlines two scientific approaches dealing with the theme. It presents the possibility of classification of the geoscience non-formal activities, based on literature findings. Finally, it shows an overview of particular geoscience activities, which are realized for children and youth on university campuses in the Czech Republic. These activities are put into practice with the purpose to motivate and stimulate children’s interest in the geoscience, to transmit the general knowledge of sciences and improve their skills and abilities.

non-formal education; geoscience; leisure based education; out-of-school education; interest education; Earth science education

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