Teacher self-efficacy in instruction and in parent involvement


The study investigated self-efficacy of a sample of Slovak primary school teachers in two areas: area of instruction and area of parent involvement. Two instruments were used: the 16-item Slovak version of Teacher Efficacy Scale of Gibson and Dembo, and ZdUR, a 24-item scale to measure self-efficacy of teacher in parents’ involvement, developed by authors of the present study. The correlation between scores of personal teaching efficacy dimension of TES and ZdUR was 0.58 and between general teaching efficacy of TES and ZdUR was only 0.01. Teachers in this sample had better scores in all dimensions of ZdUR than those of TES, with the exception of engaging parents in school activities. Scores of four teachers in TES and ZdUR were analysed to document the possibility of making the individual profiles of teacher self-efficacy.

teacher self-efficacy; instruction; parent involvement; Teacher Efficacy Scale; ZdUR Questionnaire

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