Organisational learning in professional discourses


Authors of the paper discuss the concept of organisational learning. They refer to a wide range of definitions and concepts, point out some diff erences from related or analogous concepts used, such as knowledge management and learning organisation. They note the discussions that relate to key topics. These discussions concern levels at which organisational learning can take place, the eff ect on behaviour or organisational performance. The following section of this article presents organisational learning as a process and describes the stages of organisational learning. The purpose of the article is to provide an overview of eff orts to define organisational learning, including criticism of the results of this eff ort. The last part is devoted to selected theories and empirical findings on organisational learning at school. The authors stress the importance of organisational learning for schools as specific organisations and express request to examine the processes of organisational learning in this context.

organisational learning; learning organisation; organisational development; school as organisation; school as learning organisation

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