Tacit knowledge as a bridge between theory and practice in the domain-general aspect of teacher education


The paper deals with tacit knowledge in the pedagogical component of teacher education. Tacit knowledge is seen – metaphorically – as a bridge between theory and practice. In the paper, the concept of tacit knowledge is characterised; it is a concept that has not been much discussed in Czech literature on education. Tacit knowledge is seen as personal and individual; it is developed through the subject’s experience and has the following characteristics: it is procedural in nature and can be difficult to express, it is relevant for achieving aims that are considered important, it is developed with just little help of others or without such help whatsoever, it is bound to a specific context. In teacher education, a student teacher develops tacit knowledge through dealing with practical situations. In order for tacit knowledge to develop and improve in students, it must first be made explicit. One of the tools that help make tacit knowledge explicit is self-reflection, which however by itself is not enough for the student to realise what his or her behaviour is and how it can be improved. Such aim can be achieved through sharing experience and tacit knowledge between students and teacher educators (mentors, field didacticians, etc).

theory and practice; tacit knowledge; self-reflection; sharing tacit knowledge; teacher education

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