Between practice and theory in teacher education: notes on the Czech translation of Korthagen et al.’s book


This theoretical paper follows the publication of the Czech translation of the book by F. A. J. Korthagen et al. Linking practice and theory: The pedagogy of realistic teacher education. The paper consists of two parts. In the first part, the key (leading) ideas of Korthagen’s approach are introduced; the text is descriptive without the ambition to provide a critical analysis. Such analysis is the topic of the second part of the text. The authors revisit some of the ideas of Korthagen’s approach, analyse them and discuss them in a wider context of some newer approaches. They focus on three problem areas: (1) The nature of the relationship between practice and theory – underestimating Theory with capital T? (2) The importance of reflection in teachers’ professional development – deemphasising content? (3) Supporting professional learning – a limited view on supervision? Towards the end of the paper, the authors discuss how the presented ideas could inspire the practice of teacher education in the Czech Republic.

practice; theory; teacher education; reflection; instruction; supervision

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