How German language teachers use English in their lessons


In this study we have focused on how teachers use English language in teaching German as a second foreign language (after English). In the theoretical part, languages and language practices in relation to multilingualism and language policy are introduced. In this study we understand languages as linguistic repertoire and multilingualism as the ability to use (at various levels) three or more languages. Language policy is understood not just on the state level (“top-down”) which prefers to separate languages, but also as language policy based on teachers language practices (“bottom-up”) which includes permitting languages through their usage. The main research question is how teaching situations are organized in which the teacher’s use of English in teaching German is evident. The research sample consisted of video recordings of 28 lessons of German as a foreign language at lower-secondary schools (including their transcripts). Following the introduction of the method of analysis – conversation analysis – and its theoretical background, we define the unit of analysis, i.e. the teaching situation and the process of its identification. In the subsequent part of the study, the research findings are presented. As far as the structure of the identified teaching situations is concerned, it is clear that they mostly follow the initiation – response – feedback (IRF) pattern in various modifications. The analysis suggests that teachers’ use of English language in German teaching is mostly present in comments and as part of giving a clue. If the English language was present in a teacher’s comment, it usually developed the feedback on pupils’ utterance or it served as an explanation, in which the metalinguistic knowledge of languages was supported. Clues in which the English language was evident were usually used as a reaction to a problem or a mistake (often not connected to English language). In such cases the English language was used to provide metalinguistic clues that were meant to help the pupil with self-repair. They suggest that for the teachers using English is a common language practice for developing pupils’ German. On the other hand, no systematic approach for using of English and multilingualism development was evident.

multilingualism; linguistic repertoire; language practice; language policy; foreign language didactics; teaching German after English; conversation analysis; teaching situation; IRF structure

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