Symbolic power of media as an educational factor



The theoretical study explores media symbolic power as the main condition and means of its educational influence. The beginning of the study introduces the concept of symbolic power, from which author deduces the existence of specific media “educational program”. The second part discusses the role of the state in shaping the symbolic environment and stresses the main position state holds in defining parameters of media “educational program” as a dominant hegemon of symbolic power. The possibility of creating opposition discourses potentially disruptive to symbolic hegemony of the state and the role which media education plays in this process is the topic of the next part. At the conclusion of the paper, the concept of media literacy as a social and civic competence that enables individuals to participate more effectively in the process of public communication and political decisionmaking is then formulated. Contrary to media education widespread belief that media is the hegemon of symbolic power in society, the paper proposes a theoretically substantiated thesis that the symbolic power of media is controlled by the state, which
determines the content and form of public discourse. The “educational program” of media is thus controlled by the state and reflects its need to set knowledge in society. With regard to these findings, media literacy could broaden the current concept of media literacy by civic and political context. If media are primarily the domain of control, knowledge and skills associated with media should produce more accurate idea of ways power is exercised in society and forms of one´s emancipation.

symbolic power; media; ideology; discourse; institutional power; media pedagogy; media literacy

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