Learning analytics: A new approach to the study of learning (not only) in virtual environments


The aim of this study is to present and describe an emerging research area known as learning analytics. This research area focuses on the use of quantitative methods in research on learning and teaching especially in virtual environments. In the first part of the paper we discuss the historical roots of analytics in education and we identify various sources of its inspiration. Also, we put learning analytics into context with related research areas in the field of technology enhanced learning. The second part of the study focuses on the definition of learning analytics and clarification of concepts and terms. At the same time, the paper describes and compares some of the main concepts used in the field (macro, meso and micro-levels of analytics in education, learning analytics process). The third part of the study presents the main research directions within the field of learning analytics that were identified in the relevant existing literature.

learning analytics; e-learning; virtual learning environment; methodology

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