Conversation analysis and classroom interaction: Background and methodological aspects



The aim of the present methodological study is to discuss ethnomethodological conversation analysis as a method that can be used in classroom interaction research. The study outlines the current state-of-the-art of theoretical and methodological reflection in this area of research (section 1), defines the position of conversation analysis and discusses intersubjectivity in interaction, to whose deeper understanding conversation analysis can contribute (section 2). After that the study discusses the background of conversation analysis, from which principles and procedures of transcribing and analyzing data are derived (section 3). These principles and procedures are then illustrated on selected data excerpts, paying attention to adjacency pairs, turn-taking and repair, which represent basic areas of interest in conversation-analytic research (section 4). The final part of the study discusses some criticism related to conversation analysis as well as selected developmental issues in conversation-analytic research. It is concluded that conversation analysis allows for addressing the local mutual understanding among the participants in interaction and, at the same time, for considering institutional (didactic) aspects of classroom interaction.

conversation analysis; classroom interaction; research methodology; intersubjectivity

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