Wandering phenomenon as a symbol of spiritual dime nsion in personal development in experiential education discourse



Text, written in philosophy of education discourse, looks for a possible interconnection between informal education within the wandering course of Lipnice Vacation school “Life is a gothic dog”, and the potential development of human being’s in its spiritual dimension. The first part deals with experiential education and expedition courses as an example of the selected discourse. The second part concentrates on spiritual dimension of human experiencing and its diff erentiation from religious topics. Third part concretizes spiritual experiences in framework of described course and off ers a new model of spiritual (non-religious) wandering. The structure of experiential education projects off ers a potential of non-religious spirituality. We put spirit, journey, transcendence, transformation and meaning among phenomena which open such dimension of experiencing. The paper confirms that experiential education is in its depth near to non-religious spirituality and then
to accentuation of authentic modus of existence.

spirituality; experiential education; wandering; meaning; philosophy of education; authenticity

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