Hidden curriculum, lived stories. Student teachers’ narratives about school


This empirical study focuses on hidden curriculum in narratives of 88 student teachers about their previous school experience. The narrative analysis showed two types of hidden curriculum: vertical and horizontal. Presented typology is based on classification of social position among actors sharing hidden curriculum. Vertical hidden curriculum is connected with actors on different social positions in school, e. g. teachers and pupils. It consists of value conflict between pupils and school, rituals to reproduce values in school, power of school, pupils resistance, powerlessness of school. Horizontal hidden curriculum refers to actors in the same social position, i. e. pupils. It is connected with values as well, but these values are shared among pupils. Pupils identity is negotiated within horizontal hidden curriculum. This part also describes teacher's intervention in relationship structure of the classroom. Towards the end of the paper we discuss importance of these experiences for future teachers.

biography; hidden curriculum; narrative analysis; student teachers

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