Analysis of experiences from the pilot implementation of professional development courses for university teachers



The paper aims to explain and justify the choice of the educational objectives, content structure and methods of the pilot implementation of new courses for doctoral students and junior assistant professors at the University of Economics in Bratislava and to analyze the first course participants’ perceptions of the workshops in terms of their meaningfulness and usefulness for their pedagogical practice. To fulfil the second aim, after the pilot implementation of the first semester of the courses, we conducted a questionnaire survey among the course participants, followed by targeted interviews with the respondents who were willing to participate in them. In the paper, we present the main findings from the thematic analysis of the respondents’ statements in the questionnaires and compare their perceptions of the courses with the original intentions with which the course workshops and activities were designed. The main results and conclusions can inspire the designers of professional development courses for university teachers at other universities.

professional development, pedagogical education, university teacher, teacher’s self-reflection, pedagogical conversations

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