“Time to Talk” or Who owns English in a Czech EFL textbook


In this paper we deal with identities portrayed in a Czech textbook of English as a foreign language Time to Talk. The main goal of the paper is to describe various aspects of the portrayed identities and the ways of restricting interpretation of cultural content in texts and tasks. Firstly, we discuss the concept of identity in foreign language teaching and identity research in foreign language textbooks. We employ the method of content analysis, critical discourse analysis and the concept of open and closed texts to capture the image of the target language community depicted in the textbook. In an analysis of texts, illustrations and associated tasks we demonstrate that the textbook reflects the current intercultural discourse, which involves the presentation and confrontation of diverse cultures, however, we point to the dominant role of British culture and the authority of British native speakers. The portrayed characters are members of the ethnic majority, middle to upper social class, and they are often depicted in a gender-stereotypical manner. Nevertheless, there is an apparent influence of the discourse of cultural incorporation, which means that formerly underrepresented groups are granted space in the textbook.

foreign language textbooks; identity; native speaker; multicultural education; critical discourse analysis; open and closed text

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