Organizational climate of schools: Adaptation of questionnaire OCDQ-RS for condition of Czech schools



The study compares psychometric parameters of a new questionnaire measuring organizational school climate (so called KUS) with available parameters of the original OCDQ-RS questionnaire developed in the U.S. and its Slovak adaptation. The paper first describes the original OCDQ-RS questionnaire, its Slovak standardization, and the adaptations made to the original for use in the Czech Republic. We compare psychometric parameters of the OCDQ-RS with the Slovak standardized version and the Czech non-standardized version, and describe the data sets of the corresponding samples in the subsequent section. The paper then presents the psychometric analysis and explains why the openness index of climate in the KUS questionnaire was left out compared with the Slovak questionnaire. The last section shows the indicative norms and standard errors of the indexes. Sample comprised 1823 teachers from Klima učitelského sboru… 803 77 mainly primary schools with a return rate of at least 70%. The following analytical procedures were used: Item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, supplementary confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficients, Cronbach coefficients, ANOVA and computation of standard error of measurement of climate components. The unit of analysis was the teacher or the school, depending on the analytical needs and possibilities. The KUS questionnaire retained four components: (1) supportive governance behavior, (2) engaged teacher behavior, (3) frustrated teacher behavior, (4) intimate teacher behavior. The fifth component – directive principal’s behavior – was substituted by the component strength of governance. All of the components have a good Cronbach coefficient alfa between 0,84 and 0,96. The number of items increased from 34 to 40 compared with the OCDQ-RS.

OCDQ-RS; KUS; organisational climate of schools; standardization; factor analysis

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