Real-world learning: Experience with testing of an outdoor environmental education model


The aim of the study is to present the main results of a three-year verification process of the Real World Learning model, designed for the preparation and implementation of outdoor environmental education programs. The research, carried out on five residential programs, involved lecturers and leaders of environmental education centers, accompanying teachers and pupils in the third to seventh grades of elementary school. Using qualitative (interview, focus groups, observation) and quantitative (questionnaire) research methods, the following variables related to the Real World Learning model were monitored: experiential learning, values, empowerment, program clarity, and the satisfaction with program. During the implementation of the programs, the lecturers tend to have a value-oriented influence on the participants, often focused on strong transformative experiences in nature. These experiences are positively received by the participants, pupils in the programs appreciate the elements of experiential learning and at the same time do not desire too much autonomy to influence the content and course of the program. The instrumental approach is also preferred by lecturers, supported in this view by accompanying teachers. These teachers perceive the programs primarily as an opportunity to develop the social competencies of their students. Recommendations for the implementation of outdoor environmental education programs are drawn from the presented results. 

outdoor environmental education; experiential learning; values; empowerment

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