Comparison of the financial literacy concept of the czech republic and selected states of U. S.



Although the concept of financial literacy development among pupils has become an integral part of the educational and financial policies of many countries, the specific conditions (cultural, social, and economic) of the implementation of this concept in school curricula can differ significantly and have an impact on the education content. The study therefore focuses on the analysis and comparison of financial literacy standards, which are considered crucial documents for financial education, in the Czech Republic and selected states of the United States, specifically Utah, Virginia and Tennessee. The comparison of standards is based on the quantitative content analysis using a categorical system. The results indicate insufficient coverage and guidance of the Czech Republic‘s financial literacy standards. Besides, the representation of the categories of the content dimension cannot be considered balanced, with lower emphasis on the content related to the profession and macroeconomic aspects. Furthermore, it can be said that the Czech standard of financial literacy is dominated by cognitively less demanding activities, which is relevant for the standards of Utah and Virginia as well.

financial literacy; financial education; quantitative content analysis; projected curriculum; financial literacy standards

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