Opportunities to develop intercultural communicative competence in the context of language skills: IRSE Video Study of English


The empirical study deals with the topic of teaching intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and its integration with the development of language skills in Czech lower-secondary English classes. The aim of the study is to investigate which language skills pupils use when developing their ICC and what their proportion is. The introductory part and the second part of the study introducing its theoretical background and terminology is followed by methodological part (chapter 3) describing the sample (79 English lessons of 25 teachers videotaped in the 7th and 8th grades of Czech lower-secondary classes in three regions within the IRSE Video Study of English project), the way of processing the data (recording, transcription, coding), the research questions and two systems of categories (a system for analyzing teaching ICC and language skills), that were used for analyses of the videotaped lessons. The findings show that developing the ICC may be characterized by employing receptive skills, whereas the occurrence of productive skills seems rather low. The development of the ICC in English lessons is limited to focusing on the cognitive level with almost no attention paid to the behavioral and affective aspects.

communicative competence; English teaching; foreign language teaching; ICC; intercultural competence; intercultural communicative competence; language skills; opportunities to learn; system of categories; teaching and learning; video study

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