Parent’s view on education during the covid-19 pandemic in Slovakia – comparison of parents of children with and without special needs



The aim of the empirical study is to map the course of distance education in Slovakia during the covid-19 pandemic. Specifically, the research focuses on examining the differences in specifics of distance education between parents of children with special educational needs and parents of children with no identified special educational needs. Furthermore, the research aims to find out how parents and their children experience the provision of education in the home environment – their concerns and perceptions of provided school support. Using a purposely designed questionnaire, these variables were measured on a sample of 462 parents. The first part of the study is devoted to the theoretical background and current empirical knowledge that saturates research goals of the paper. The next section describes the methodological procedures. The last section of the work is devoted to interpretation of the results, in which the following findings are described in more detail: 2nd grade elementary school and high school students spend approximately one hour more studying per day compared to 1st grade elementary school students; parents who feel less competent to teach their children at home tend to worry more that their children will not acquire sufficient knowledge at home; the most common concerns of parents in relation to distance education relate to the mastery of their children’s school responsibilities; the most common concerns of children are related to the absence of social contacts and fear of failing to meet school obligations. Differences in education planning, in perceived lack of teaching aids, or the need for specialist support were found between parents of children with and without special needs.

covid-19; distance education; special educational needs

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