Video in Teacher Education: Approaches and Challenges


This study surveys current national and international approaches to the use of video in teacher education. It depicts the continuity of the development showing that the video recordings, which were originally created for research purposes, have gradually been implemented in initial and in-service teacher education to a more considerable extent. The paper is divided into four parts. The first part discusses the context of teacher education, in which video is used, and introduces ten approaches that are documented in the relevant literature. The second part offers answers to the following four questions: (1) In what way is a particular approach integrated in the conception of teacher education / professional development support? (2) What aims / purposes are found in the rationale of individual approaches? (3) What components constitute a whole and how do they function? (4) What specific activities (those of users, tutors or designers) are implemented within the framework of a particular approach and what are they intended to develop? The third part of the study offers a discussion of the challenges, which have emerged in the field; however, they have not been reflected in the relevant literature yet. It mainly concerns the implementation of virtual reality and 360-degreevideo, the potential of on-line simulations, vignettes, and concept cartoons representing alternatives to video, and ethical issues related to the use of video in teacher education, etc. The fourth part of the study attempts to answer the question whether it is possible to formulate certain guidelines that might direct the development in this field.

video in teacher education; initial teacher education; professional development; instruction

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